
For Tutors :-

How to register in your website?

Please go to “Register” and click on “Register As Tutor” option. Fill up with complete details and submit it successfully. After successful submission you will receive a confirmation mail on your mail id provided with account activation link & user id. By clicking that link your account will be activated and you are allowed to login to your account. Click on “Tutor Login” with given username, password and manage your profile (temporarily this facility is restricted and can be managed by admin only ). After online registration please call us for appointment to visit our office with required document. For documents please check Terms & Conditions for tutuors.

Shall I need to pay to create my tutor profile?

No. You can create tutor profile for free but students can’ t contact free tutors directly. Free tutors will be able to see student messages through email and mobile alerts but student’s contact details will be visible.

How to get student details directly?

For getting students detail you have to be paid and premium member. Once you are paid and premium member, we will send your profile with full contact details to all new students of your teaching subject+class+area, and you will be provided all profiles of students under your subject+class+area category or student can directly contact you through phone call, email as well as send SMS. Premium tutors will get instant email and SMS notification whenever any new tuition is posted. Tutors can continue getting all student leads through out the subscription period.

How to make payment for tutor registration?

There is no registration free for registering as a Tutor.

Shall I have to pay any extra charges to you once tuition is settled?

Yes, you have to pay 60 % of first month fee. Once you pay the amount then we will provide you more tuitions. If any tuition/ tuitions continue for next session then again and again you have to pay the 60% of the settled amount once in subsequent year. (For more information please check Terms & Condition)

Is there any subscription charges to sponser own profile?

Yes, there is some annual charges to sponser a profile. Please visit Fees & Payment  for the details.

Is the subscription fees charged for sponsership of a profile can be adusted against registration or commission of any tuition?

No, subscription charges is absolutely different from registration fee or commission and can’t be adjusted against them.

If a tutor gets any tuition directly via your site through sponsored link then what is the commission structure for that?

If it happens then you don’t have to pay any amount as commission to us but in case a tuition or tuitions provided by us ( on phone or email then only have to obey normal commission structure.

What is the basic difference between tuitions provided by us and direct tuitions via sponsered profile?

The basic difference between above tuitions/ assignments is that we ( ) also oftenly receives enquiry regarding tutor requirement online and offline and we provide tutors for them according to their need and demand in which we decide the suitability of a tutor, terms and condition and fees on behalf of a tutor or follow our tutor to discuss the matter and we charge normal commission for that. But, in case of tuitions via sponsored profile we do not play any active role and don’t charge any commission or amount.

For Students/Parents : -

How can I find good tutuor?

Please go to tick the button option and then submit your details. You can create your profile absolutely for free. But to contact tutors via phone and email you have to contact us on our members or email us at and we will provide you the details of tutor.

How much I need to pay to as student?

Yes, it will help to get good tutor at your nearby place of your requirement. It will also help to save your favourite tutors to add in your wishlist for future reference.